I just noticed this tonight. I’m using Firefox and from what I can tell Firefox ignores xsl style sheets!
Should I be bothered about this?
No! RSS is probably not the best thing to be styling when we consider the consumer and what they want. It is really meant to be grabbed, scanned and ditched. My attempt at pretty formatting is probably just crap to most RSS readers, machine and human alike.
firefox #ffffa0 input
If you have been struggling with Firefox styling your input boxes a lovely yellow color, it’s not Firefox, it’s the Google Toolbar. Check to make sure you have not got the AutoFill option enabled.
Wedding Dress Shopping

No, I didn’t go wedding dress shopping but Jenny did…. and she’s telling me nothing.
It’s quite frustrating wanting to know what the dress will be like but at the same time looking forward to the surprise.
I’m starting to realize why woman enjoy weddings more than men:
- They like surprises
- They enjoy confusing us.
- They like winding us up.
I’ve been told I’m not allowed to look at the digital camera, I’m then told not to look at the PC. I am starting to think I might need to buy a blindfold.