Movabletype URLS

MT3 used underscore to separate names then along comes MT4 and it uses dashes (better choice in my opinion).metal-movable-type.jpg Having read some recent articles about non technology specific urls I decided to take the liberty of cleaning them up.

To that end I wrote a script to generate mod_rewrite rules based on the old urls. I also removed the .html extension. So the urls should look something like.


At least I hope they do.

Firefox Ignores xsl Stylesheets

I just noticed this tonight. I’m using Firefox and from what I can tell Firefox ignores xsl style sheets! firefox-logo.png
Should I be bothered about this?
No! RSS is probably not the best thing to be styling when we consider the consumer and what they want. It is really meant to be grabbed, scanned and ditched. My attempt at pretty formatting is probably just crap to most RSS readers, machine and human alike.

firefox #ffffa0 input

If you have been struggling with Firefox styling your input boxes a lovely yellow color, it’s not Firefox, it’s the Google Toolbar. Check to make sure you have not got the AutoFill option enabled.

Wedding Dress Shopping

No, I didn’t go wedding dress shopping but Jenny did…. and she’s telling me nothing.

It’s quite frustrating wanting to know what the dress will be like but at the same time looking forward to the surprise.

I’m starting to realize why woman enjoy weddings more than men:

  • They like surprises
  • They enjoy confusing us.
  • They like winding us up.

I’ve been told I’m not allowed to look at the digital camera, I’m then told not to look at the PC. I am starting to think I might need to buy a blindfold.

Facebook Hell

I noticed this picture on flickr the other day….
Facebook Hell. I know exactly what the guy means. I have been on facebook for a very short space of time, have 3 friends on there and I am already inundated with drivel. I suppose thats why it is not really appealing to the over 25’s. The application has taken vitality to a whole new annoyance level. I wonder if Dom Jolly will be doing a comedy sketch on this sort of shit.


The title is not a spelling mistake. fashism.jpg
This is worth a read. Its fairly tongue in cheek but good fun.
The Last Language War / Language Trolling Post You’ll Ever Need To Read (Hopefully)
The comments are a testament to how dumb some people are. Bits like:

“Oh…. Why didn’t you include my language”.
“I cannot believe you didn’t include the language X”
“Language X would have been the cool kid, splurgh”
“Blah blah blah”

Why are developers so petty, why do they not get sarcasm. I have heard developers, between bouts of mental wanking, talk about “Fashion Victims” as if these people had some sort of disease. Wake up, we’re all susceptible to fashion. You might be fashion conscious about:
Programming Languages.
Yours might not be on the list but I am sure that between us we could find something. Does this make us all fashcists?

Trouble shooting Hadoop

I have been playing around with hadoop recently and came across the following error
org.apache.hadoop.mapred.InvalidInputException: Input path doesnt exist :
If this happens have you ran a command similar to the following
bin/hadoop dfs -put input /user/root/input
if not that might be your problem.

Alfie Joey

I used to go to the roundtable pub in London every Sunday (sometime in the 90’s) to see budding comedians strutt their stuff. One of the comedians there was Alfie Joey, he was compere. I got to know him a bit and never tired watching him introduce each comedian to the mic.
Anyway. I was browsing around the internet today and stumbled on Alfie’s website purely by accident. I recognised him immediately. If you ever get the opportunity to see this guy in action, do it.

Could not find file.ocx

If you get this error:
“Could not find file.ocx”
do the following:
Open your file explorer by right clicking on “Start” and selecting “Explore”.
Open the “WINDOWS” folder on your C: drive
Open the “system32” folder.
Open the “Macromed” folder.
Open the “Flash” folder.
Copy the file called flash9.ocx and save it as file.ocx.
Don’t delete the original flash9.ocx.

ERROR 1017 (HY000):

If you recently restored a mysql database from a tar file and found it without any MYI files you will get he following error when trying to run sql against the tables.
ERROR 1017 (HY000): Can’t find file:
You can fix this by running: