blogbookmarker and nofollow recently added a trackback to an entry supposedly tagged with Insane on my site recently. I don’t mind them doing this but….

SayNotoNoFollow.gifIt is quite obviously nothing more than cheap advertising for them. I checked there link back to me and guess what, it had a nofollow attribute attached to it.

I have nothing against using nofollow tags but if you want to put a link on my site using a trackback and have the cheek to add a nofollow tag to your link I think you are taking the piss.

I am not a fan of using the nofollow attribute in a blanket fashion. There are cases where it makes sense to use it but I think in their case where they are only really after the PR they can shove it.  

Movabletype URLS

MT3 used underscore to separate names then along comes MT4 and it uses dashes (better choice in my opinion).metal-movable-type.jpg Having read some recent articles about non technology specific urls I decided to take the liberty of cleaning them up.

To that end I wrote a script to generate mod_rewrite rules based on the old urls. I also removed the .html extension. So the urls should look something like.


At least I hope they do.

TrackBacks and blog things

What the hell is a trackback?
Sorry, maybe I should rephrase that question a little. How do I use a trackback, I know what it is in theory, so how do I get a digest of someones writing on my site
which I can comment on. I have seen it on other blogs and was just wondering how it is done.
I don’t read that many blogs and for the most part the ones I have read are almost as bad as mine. This means that I rarely feel strongly enough to comment on what I find and when I do it is normally about a topic I refuse to discuss due to the amount of freaks out there who like to talk shit and give it a fancy label.