Burma Campaign

I went looking for a jacket the other day and decided to see if the “Savoy Tailors Guild” would be open. On searching around the internet for a local branch I came across

this article
. Its quite enlightening. As a quicker reference the article suggests that the following companies will not disclose if they are sourcing any of their materials from Burma. There are a good few household names in this list.
Harrods, Bay Trading, By Design Plc, Benetton, Ciro Citteri, Elle, Etam, French Connection, Intersport, Karen Millen, Liberty, Mothercare, TCS, Animal, Naf Naf, Jo Bloggs, Jeffrey Rogers, Pied a terre, Savoy Tailors Guild, Shellys, Calvin Klein, La Coste, Young Fashion, Great Universal Stores(GUS), Argos Ltd, Claire’s Accessories, MK One, Shoe Box, First Sport, Lillywhites, Hawkshead, Urban Outfitters, Mambo, Mexx, Paul Smith, Reiss, Hobbs, Jane Norman, Miss Sixty, Boxfresh, and LK Bennett.

M203 TMA04

This was the analysis block of the course and so far it has been the easiest I have done. I think this is because it was one of the more enjoyable blocks I have done on M203. We are now studying Groups and so far it is looking OK but I will reserve judgment on this until the TMA has been and gone

500,000 Pages

The spiders have now collected over 500,000 pages. Considering I have been taking it easy it was surprisingly fast. I now need another 500,000 to get my goal of 1 Million for testing.

More Google Adsense

I have actually managed to make a little bit of money via Google adsense. I am not at liberty to say how much but its nice to actually have made a little to help pay for the costs of hosting my sites. I have decided to put google ads on most of my websites to see if I can increase it enough to pay the hosting outright. Its a long shot but the sites are cheaply hosted so it is possible.

Another HTML Lesson

I was visiting Rob this weekend and Melanie wanted a lesson in HTML. The reason for this is that she would like to create a website for their wedding which is a damned fine idea. Considerig I only spent half an hour teaching Mel the basics of an HTML document and ftp she took to it like a duck to water.

Dizzy Spells

Since starting work at the ACU and using a Iiyama AS4636D TFT LCD display I have started to get dizzy spells. I have now had 4 occourances where I lost my balance for about half a second. Three of these times where in front of the screen and one was while walking down the road just after work.
I have been taking regular eys breaks and trying to read up on what might be causing the problem and if its a common complaint but so far I have not found any concrete evidence. I have also tried to fiddle with the settings but unfortunately I am using Linux so I cannot use their test.bmp program to see if I can set the screen up correctly.
Its a shame because the monitor is the dogs danglies but it just dosn’t seem to agree with me.

Casa Pablo

If ever you happen to be in Estepona and are looking for a restaurant and not to sure where to go I can recommend “Casa Pablo” which can be found in “Plaza de las Flores” which is a very pretty little square just off the main street.
I had the “House Pate” which come as two large portions and was excellent. I went for the stroganoff steak which was cooked to perfection and tasted as good as it looked. I didn’t see a vegetarian dish on the menu but if you eat fish then you will be fine because there fish was seemed to hit the right spot for two of our party.

Google Adsense

I have decided to add some google adsense adds to my Uklug website. I have several reasons for doing this not least of which is trying to make a little money to pay for the hosting of the site etc.
Google adsense has a filtering facilty where I could if I wanted block adds that are in direct competition to me or adds I do not agree with. In keeping with Googles ethic with their search results ie they do not filter their search results of their competitors. I will not block any competitors based on competition grounds so you should see plenty of adds for other jobsites on my Google adds.
Happy Hunting!

Uklug Forum

Wondering what it would take to get people to start posting to the Forum. I would be tempted to offer certain priviledges to frequent posters but we are lacking one very important thing, A Poster of any description 😉