I added another
RSS Job feed to the database today. I NEED more rss job feeds for the database. I have aproximately 13 rss feeds from various jobsites now which are producing approximately 20,000 jobs every two weeks. I would really like to increase this and drop the cleanup time to just under a week rather than two weeks which is what I am using at the moment.
If you know of a rss job feed that I have not already added to the database then please email me with the feed URL and I will add it to the list and then you can search the feed along with all the rest.
We have five job feeds available at the above URL. RSS Aerospace Jobs, RSS Manufacturing Jobs, RSS Construction Jobs, RSS Rail Jobs and RSS Technology Jobs
Cheers for that. I will try and add these to the database tonight.
How often would you recommend I syndicate the files. I normally default to about 8 hours. If the pages are not updated this often then please let me know and I can save us both some bandwidth.