Walsh Western Shambles

I ordered a set of Non Dell rails from Dell 7 days ago and they where ready to be delivered to me on the Thursday. I though this was great. I got a call on Thursday from Walsh Western saying that they had tried to deliver the rails. I found this very odd because Jenny was in the house. They said they left a card saying they had been there. I phoned Jenny and she had a look for the card. It wasn’t there.
Friday: Same thing. They say they left a card and Jenny was off work the whole day but we received no card and have not heard anything from them at all.
Saturday: I called them to ask what the hell was going on and they told me that it would be delivered on Monday.
Monday: No rails, No card, No phone call, Sweet FA. I tried to phone but they all close at 17:30.
This is just a bit pathetic although not as pathetic as my recent encounter with Midland Mainline.

Awstats Exploit

The box that I was previously hosted on was cracked a few weeks ago. Root wasn’t gained because it was just Skids that gained entry. The normal crap was found littered in the usual places.
The actual exploit was a no brainer and I have had several attempts on the site since it happened. As usual I got the normal response from the ISP that the attack originated from ie “We just have too many machines to check”. “Not our fault, fix your exploit” etc etc.
To me its a bit like using a hammer to smash a window. You didn’t manufacture the hammer and wouldn’t know how to, you seen your dad use the hammer so you know what it can do and you seen someone smash a window with it. So you imitate the action. This is what the skids do except they then think that they are elite because of it.
I suppose a better analogy to draw would be of a your typical smash and grab robber thinking he’s Auric Goldfinger after the event.
I suppose a lot of it is peer pressure. Always trying to compete amongst each other and go that little bit further. Then of course you get the real crackers fanning the flames so that they can get a bunch of skids doing the mundane stuff and reporting unmanaged boxes to their “uber mates” them included. I wonder how many of these skids reported their latest conquest over an unmanaged box only to go back and find that someone has battened down the hatches.
I must admit I am never going to understand the Skids culture.
Auric, you’d better watch out.

Edenvale University Scam

The university above is completely fictitious. They have copied Leeds Uni. Compare the following 2 sites
Leeds University
They have even left references in the source code of the page to Leeds university. They are selling qualifications. It would appear that some people are using them
After reading this guys CV I noticed what appears to be another dodgy site
I have not seen this “Body” mentioned anywhere else yet they have listed Edenvale as one of their universities.