Richard Feynman, a very Curious Character

Having read a little about R.P. Feynman I decided that I would read some more about him and I found the following book:
Surely You’re Joking, Mr.Feynman!: Adventures of a Curious Character
ISBN: 009917331X
Authors: Richard P. Feynman and Ralph Leighton
This was in Unsworths just opposite the British Library on Euston Road. I got
it quite cheap so now I had somehthing to read on the way home on the train and
I was not dissapointed.
The book is a great read because it lets you have a good look at the man and
his quirks and entertains throughout. I was constantly amazed at the way he
just threw himself at various things and he very rarely did anything half
heartedly. Even as a kid he would immerse himself in things and the “Curious
Character” in the title means both that he had an insatiable curiosity and that
he was probably quite a character to know.
If you are after a look at the man without delving into the physics then this book is
brilliant and funny and I had a good giggle to myslef severral times throughout the book.

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